The main benefit to you as a user is budgetary planning. You pay a fixed monthly charge that typically means you can accurately plan your budget for the duration of the hire. Save your capital for your business. You be hassle free.
Getting equipment on Long Term Hire for 3 years or more Bharat Lifter provides you forklifts and other equipments at more nominal rates than short term hire. Contract hire is a popular method of acquiring modern machines & warehousing equipment without capital expenditure or any maintenance responsibility. Most of the times we provide brand new machines if work order is more than 2 years.
The main benefit to you as a user is budgetary planning. You pay a fixed monthly charge that typically means you can accurately plan your budget for the duration of the hire. Save your capital for your business. You be hassle free.
If you don’t know how long you’re going to need the equipment and want the flexibility to hire and fire the forklift as soon as your work is done then this is your best solution.
Our Short Term Rental scheme offer forklifts hiring from minimum 2 months , giving you more competitive rates and a reassurance of all kinds of costs involved while delivering the machine with complete transparency – like transportation of the machine, border taxes, state taxes etc.
© Bharat Lifter.